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Pop Songs Of Wonder Vol.1

1. Little Indians / comeropeway
2. You seem so cold to me / Ice Dome
3. Looking my house / Box Pinga
4. Soft Ray / Planeteria
5. Acauris / Acoulis
6. Monica is the ultimate party girl / Bunny Grunt
7. Summer Loop / Planeteria
8. Silver Lining / Scribbler
9. American Pop / Running Catch
10. Krush / Sour Grass
11. Honey Rain / Sour Grass
12. Bottomless Underground / Acoulis
13. Fuzz Eat Me / Moth
14. 23 / comeropeway
15. Surface Tension / Scribbler
16. Running Catch / Running Catch
17. Out of Tune / Raincoat
18. Death By misadventure / The Apricots
19. Ball of Future / Ice Dome
20. There in the End / Moth
Compilation Album, released in 1998
Label: Project of Pop, Fukuoka
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